Poet Laureate Application
Town of Windsor, Connecticut Poet Laureate Application
Submit your application below along with the following documents:
- 1-2 page cover letter or personal statement that includes a little bit about yourself, your poetry background, why you feel you are qualified for the role, why you are interested in the role, what you would like to achieve during your tenure, and any special projects you would like to organize;
- Poetry related resume or CV (you may include links to online content);
- A selection of 3-4 poems that you think best demonstrate your abilities as a poet.
Submissions may also be emailed to colby@townofwindsorct.com by the end of the day Friday, October 4, 2024. Alternatively, they can be mailed or hand delivered to Windsor Town Hall Town Manager’s Office at 275 Broad Street, Windsor CT 06095. Hand deliveries must be completed by 5:00pm on the deadline date. Mail deliveries must be postmarked on or before the deadline date.
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